
 시리즈A <수학교육>

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  • Introduction
  • Editorial Board
  • Author's Guide
  • Editor's & Reviewer's Guide

Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series A: The Mathematical Education

ISO abbreviation of the journal title and Alternate title : Abbreviation of this journal title is J. Korean Soc. Math. Educ. Ser. A: Math. Educ. Alternate title is The Mathematical Education.

Aims and scope
The Mathematical Education is an international Korean or English language journal, publishing original refereed articles on all aspects of mathematics education. The aims of this Journal is to improve the quality of mathematics education environment by reviewing and publishing meaningful articles of studies involving empirical investigation and theoretical argumentation from which conclusions and implications can be drawn for future research and practice in mathematics education. Reports on thoughtful replications, new teaching aids and techniques being made in the teaching, learning, assessment and presentation of mathematics, Mathematical models arising from real situations, or critical reviews of Education policy and Mathematics curriculum are welcomed. The journal welcomes high-quality research in any methodological tradition and is open to innovative and unusual approaches.

Launching : It has been published since 1963.

Frequency : It is published quarterly, February, May, August and November, by the Korean Society of Mathematical Education.

Subscriptions : An individual KSME member with this journal subscription costs US$60 per year. An institutional member with this journal subscription costs US$108 per year. Inquiries regarding subscriptions, applications for membership and other correspondence should be directed to:

The Korean Society of Mathematical Education,
Gwanak Century Tower #1305
1808, Nambusunhwan-ro, Gwanak-gu,
Seoul 08787, Korea
Email : ksme@chol.com,ksmedu@hanmail.net

The KSME publishes 4 other official journals, Series B, C, D, and E. Special rates for student, library, or life members, as well as information about other official journals are available from the KSME office.

Copyright : The submission of a paper to this journal means that it has been neither published nor submitted for publication elsewhere. A Copyright Transfer Agreement is required before the publication of a paper in this journal.

Indexing : Articles published in this journal are indexed or abstracted in Korea Citation Index.

Availability of the full-text : Full-texts of papers in this journal can be accessed freely at the corner View-FullText in JKSMEA:ME

The Korean Society of Mathematical Education was founded in 1962 and one of the main academic society of Mathematics and athematics Education in Korea. We should mention that we use 'Korean' instead of 'Korea' in the names of the Society and journal from 2009.


김동중 (고려대학교, 교수)


권나영 (인하대학교, 교수)
김래영 (이화여자대학교, 교수)
김선희 (강원대학교, 교수)
김희정 (고려대학교, 교수)
노지화 (부산대학교, 교수)
방정숙 (한국교원대학교, 교수)
여승현 (대구교육대학교, 교수)
이지영 (공주교육대학교, 교수)
이화영 (한국과학창의재단, 선임연구원)
임 웅 (연세대학교, 교수)
정연준 (한국교육과정평가원, 연구원)
한선영 (성균관대학교, 교수)
Hea-Jin Lee (The Ohio State University-Lima, Professor)
Ji-Eun Lee (Oakland University, Professor)

*Author's Guide

1. 투고는 원칙적으로 학회 회원에 한합니다.

2. 원고는 일정한 기간 없이 언제나 접수하며, 모두 심사(심사 위원 3인 이상)를 거칩니다. 논문 심사시에는 저자의 이름과
   소속을 모두 삭제하여 심사에 공정을 기하고 있습니다.

3. 원고의 채택 여부와 게재 순서는 편집위원회의 결의에 따릅니다.

4. 논문을 투고할 때는 온라인투고시스템을 통하여 논문과 연구윤리체크리스트를 제출합니다.

5. 논문의 저자를 표시할 경우, 여러 명이 집필하였을 때에는 주 저자를 제일 앞에 씁니다.

6. 논문 편집양식과 논문 샘플을 홈페이지에서 다운받아, 이 양식에 맞도록 논문을 작성해야 합니다.

7. 게재된 논문에 대해서는 소정의 게재료를 납부하셔야 합니다. 게재료는 처음 15쪽까지는 기본료 20만원(연구비 지원논문의 경우 40만원)이며,
   16쪽에서부터 24쪽까지는 쪽당 1만원씩 추가 부과됩니다. 또한 25쪽부터는 쪽당 3만원이 추가됩니다.

8. 논문이 게재될 경우, 논문에 따른 권리, 이익, 저작권 및 디지털 저작권에 대한 모두 권한 행사를 한국수학교육학회에
   이양하는 저작권이양 동의서를 제출하셔야 합니다.

9. 게재논문의 모든 저자는 저자명(소속, 직위)의 형식으로 소속과 직위를 명시해야 하며,
   현재 소속이 없는 경우 최종 소속, 직위, 재학(또는 재직)년도로 대신합니다.
   (예) 저자명(**대학교 교수), 저자명(**대학교 강사), 저자명(**대학교 대학원 학생),
         저자명(**연구소 연구원), 저자명(**초, 중등학교 교사), 저자명(**고등학교 2학년 학생)

1. A manuscript is submitted to the Chief Editor and the KSME office by the online submit system.

2. The Chief Editor handles all correspondence with the author(s). Submitted manuscript that does not follow the      Author's Guide can be rejected to be resubmitted after revised.

3. The Chief Editor allocates it to an Editor. The Chief Editor can allocate it to him/herself.

4. The selected Editor chooses 3 qualified referees to review the manuscript. The Editor him/herself may act as a     referee.

5. The chosen reviewers should check the Reviewer Invitation as Acceptance or Decline.

6. If the reviewers accept the Reviewer Invitation, the reviewers who are always anonymous should examine the     manuscript and report the review result within 2 weeks from the date of the initial review request or designated     date.

7. Based on the reports of the reviewers, the Editor makes a decision whether the manuscript should be accepted,     rejected, or needs to be returned to the author(s) for major revision, minor revision.

8. Manuscript needing revision will be returned to the author. The author(s) must submit a revised manuscript via the
    online submit system within a month.

9. The revised manuscript with major revision is sent to the same reviewers to check the revisions. But, the
     manuscript with minor revision can be handled by the original Editor or the Chief Editor to check.

10. Final Decision by the Chief Editor is made within 1 months from the time of the initial submission. But it
     depends on the time spent for review and revision.

11. Publication date will be notified to the author(s) after the final version of manuscript is uploaded and accepted by the      Chief Editor.

12. Manuscript editor checks the sentences of the accepted manuscript and makes Galley Proof.

13. Information which is not appeared in this regulation will be determined at the editorial committee.