
 Series C <Education of Primary School Mathmatics>

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  • Introduction
  • Editorial Board
  • Author's Guide
  • Editor's & Reviewer's Guide

Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series C: Education of Primary School Mathematics

ISO abbreviation of the journal title and Alternate title : Abbreviation of this journal title is J. Korean Soc. Math. Educ. Ser. A: Educ. Primary School Math. Alternate title is Education of Primary School Mathematics.

Aims and Scope: The journal EPSM covers all mathematical educations for primary schools. The journal EPSM welcomes research papers of original work with high quality in all mathematical educations. However, some expository articles related to current research issues with highest quality are requested to experts and accepted for publication. Original work with high quality is given primary emphasis.

Launching : It has been published since 1997.

Frequency : It is published January, April, July and October, by the Korean Society of Mathematical Education.

Subscriptions : An individual KSME member with this journal subscription costs US$60 per year. An institutional member with this journal subscription costs US$108 per year. Inquiries regarding subscriptions, applications for membership and other correspondence should be directed to:

The Korean Society of Mathematical Education,
Gwanak Century Tower #1305
1808, Nambusunhwan-ro, Gwanak-gu,
Seoul 08787, Korea
Email :,

The KSME publishes 4 other official journals, Series A, B, D, and E. Special rates for student, library, or life members, as well as information about other official journals are available from the KSME office.

Copyright : The submission of a paper to this journal means that it has not been published, or submitted for publication elsewhere. A Copyright Transfer Agreement is required before the publication of a paper in this journal.

Indexing : Articles published in this journal are indexed or abstracted in Korea Citation Index.

Availability of the full-text : Full-texts of papers in this journal can be accessed freely at the corner View-FullText in Education of Primary School Mathematics.

This journal was supported by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies Grant funded by the Korean Government (MEST).

The Korean Society of Mathematical Education was founded in 1962 and one of the main academic society of Mathematics and Mathematics Education in Korea. We should mention that we use 'Korean' instead of 'Korea' in the names of the Society and journal from 2009.

Chief Editor

Namgyun Kim(Cheongju Natonial University of Education)


Sungyong Kwon (Gongju National University of Education)
Jumrye Kwon (Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation)
Sangmee Kim (Chuncheon National University of Education)
Soomi Kim(Gyeongin National University of Education)
Sungrim Ryu (Daegu National University of Education)
Mangoo Park (Seoul National University of Education)
Sungsun Park (Chuncheon National University of Education)
Boeuk Suh (Chungnam National University)
Jin Sunwoo (Jojong Elementary School)
Daehyun Lee (Gwangju National University of Education)
Soojin Lee (Korea National University of Education)
Hwayoung Lee (Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity)
Keunbae Choi (Jeju National University)
Youngeun Park (Chongdok Elementary School)
1. <초등수학교육>은 연 4회 (1월 31일, 4월 30일, 7월 31일, 10월 31일) 발행합니다.

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3. 논문을 투고할 때는 온라인투고시스템을 통하여 논문과 연구윤리체크리스트를 제출합니다.

4. 투고하는 논문에 대하여 논문유사도 검사를 실시하고 생성되는 검사 결과 파일을 첨부합니다.

5. 본 학회지에 투고되는 논문은 한국어 또는 영어로 작성하고, 본 학회지의 논문 작성 규정에 따릅니다.

6. 논문의 저자를 표시할 경우, 여러 명이 집필하였을 때에는 제 1저자를 제일 앞에 씁니다. 한 호에 특정 저자의 논문에
   대하여 두 편까지 게재를 허용하되, 두 편 모두 제 1저자인 경우는 제한합니다. (한 편이 제1저자인 경우, 다른 한 편은
   제1저자가 아닌 공동연구자인 경우 게재 가능합니다.)

7. 투고 논문의 모든 저자는 소속과 직위를 명시하고, 현재 소속이 없는 경우 최종 소속, 직위, 재학(또는 재직)년도로
   예를 들면, 저자명(**대학교 교수), 저자명(**대학교 강사), 저자명(**대학원 학생), 저자명(**연구소 연구원),
   저자명(**초등학교 교사), 저자명(**고등학교 2학년 학생)

8. 투고 논문은 별도의 기간이 없이 수시로 접수하고, 3인 이상의 심사위원의 심사를 거칩니다. 논문 심사본은 저자의
   이름, 소속, 직위 등을 삭제하여 심사에 공정을 기하고 있습니다.

9. 논문 접수와 동시에 심사가 진행되고 별도의 심사료는 없습니다. 단, 긴급심사에 한하여 별도의 심사료(100,000원)를
   납부하여야 합니다. 긴급심사는 논문을 투고할 때 논문투고시스템에서 요청할 수 있으며, 긴급심사 기간은 1차
   심사 판정 통보를 2주 이내로 설정하고 있습니다.

10. 본 학회지에 게재된 논문에 대해서는 논문 게재료를 납부하여야 합니다. 논문 게재료는 처음 6쪽까지는
   100,000원이며 추가되는 부분은 쪽당 10,000원입니다.
   단, 지원금을 받고 연구된 논문은 두 배의 게재료를 납부하셔야 합니다.

11. 원고의 채택 여부와 게재 순서는 편집위원회의 결의에 따릅니다.

12. 본 학회지에 대한 문의는 한국수학교육학회(02-6737-1167, ksmedu@로 하시면 됩니다.

1. A manuscript is submitted to the Chief Editor and the KSME office by the online submit system.

2. The Chief Editor handles all correspondence with the author(s). Submitted manuscript that does not follow the
     Author's Guide can be rejected to be resubmitted after revised.

3. The Chief Editor allocates it to an Associate Editor. The Chief Editor can allocate it to him/herself.

4. The selected Associate Editor chooses 3 qualified referees to review the manuscript. The Associate Editor
     him/herself may act as a referee.

5. The chosen reviewers should check the Reviewer Invitation as Acceptance or Decline.

6. If the reviewers accept the Reviewer Invitation, the reviewers who are always anonymous should examine the
   manuscript and report the review result within 6 weeks from the date of the initial review request or designated date.

7. Based on the reports, the Associated Editor makes a recommendation to the Chief Editor whether the manuscript
   should be accepted, rejected, or needs to be returned to the author(s) for major revision, minor revision.

8. Based on the recommendation of the Associated Editor, the Chief Editor sends a decision letter to the corresponding

9. Manuscript needing revision will be returned to the author. The author(s) must submit a revised manuscript via the
   online submit system within a month.

10. The Associate Editor who handled its initial submission deals with the manuscript with major revision and sends it to
     same reviewers or him/herself to check the revisions. But, the manuscript with minor revision can be handled by the
     original Associate Editor or the Chief Editor to check.

11. Final Decision by the Chief Editor is made within 3 months from the time of the initial submission. But it depends on
     the time spent for review and revision.

12. Publication date will be notified to the author(s) after the final version of manuscript is uploaded and accepted by the
     Chief Editor.

13. Manuscript editor checks the sentences of the accepted manuscript and makes Galley Proof.

14. The members of the Editorial Board give valuable advises to the Chief Editor or the Associate Editors for better

15. Information which is not appeared in this regulation will be determined at the editorial committee.